northern climate engineering ltd.
 6A 151 Industrial Road, Calcite Business Centre, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Y1A 2V3
(867) 667 6900              

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Our Services: Sustainable Design

Through the numerous energy conservation projects northern climate engineering ltd. has been involved with, we have gained invaluable expertise in providing cost effective conservation recommendations with estimated payback periods. There are many methods of addressing energy conservation, and countless energy efficiency and alternate energy gadgets in the market. However, every building and every building owner’s needs are unique. We ensure that our recommendations address your needs and integrate well with your building. All our recommendations are based on long term costs contrasted with payback analysis. Costs and benefit analysis, including environmental considerations, are kept up front to help you make an informed decision.

We have extensive experience with building energy efficiency. Over the years, we have been involved with energy management systems, numerous reports on alternate fuel sources, community waste heat recovery feasibility studies, and the completion of over 400 energy audits on residential and commercial buildings. Our research into alternative fuels include feasibility studies on wood pellet use, micro-hydro versus cogeneration at Fraser Camp, and waste heat recovery from the generation plant at Watson Lake. We have direct training in:

  • RETScreen (Renewable Energy Technologies project assessment tool).
  • CEMP (Commercial Energy Management Program).
  • BC Hydro Building Improvements Program.
  • HOT 2000 building simulation software.
  • Canadian Homes Energy Efficiency Rating System (CHEERS).
  • ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Adjusting, Testing and Balancing.
  • ASHRAE Indoor Air Quality.
  • NEBB (National Environmental Balancing Bureau) Building Systems Commissioning.
  • Quality Standards for Mechanical Insulation (Commercial and Institutional Buildings).
  • IGSHPA (International Ground Source Heat Pump Association) Geothermal Design.
  • IGSHPA Geothermal Piping Design

Recently, we were the Mechanical Designers for the Yukon Energy Corporation Corporate Offices building and the Mayo School. Both of these projects meet the Federal Government’s CBIP (Commercial Building Improvements Program) and C2000 standards. CBIP buildings exceed the National Model Energy Code’s energy efficiency standards by 25%. C2000 buildings exceed the National Model Energy Code’s energy efficiency standards by 50%. Further, the Yukon Energy Corporation Corporate Offices building was a winner of NRCan’s (Natural Resources Canada) 1999 Canadian National Energy Efficiency Award for commercial buildings.

Similar to the CBIP and C-2000, the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) program is designed to promote energy efficiency as part of green building design. We look forward to soon bringing the international program north of 60.